Special Guest: Elaine Fisher!
Quest 13 Steams through some of the challenges facing female gamers (see what I did there?). Also, Valve announced stuff; but alas, it wasn't Half-Life 3.
- 00:00 - Introductions
- 02:00 - What's Elaine up to, or what is on Google's homepage?
- 06:00 - What's Jordan up to, or can you buy XIV in XIV clicks?
- 09:55 - What's Tom up to, or how Legendary is Hearthstone?
- 15:00 - Is Steam OS relevant to the casual gamer?
- 26:55 - Are Steam Machines the next Ouya, or is Valve the next Nintendo?
- 34:10 - What do you think of the Steam Controller?
- 42:15 - What is it like being a girl gamer?
- 49:25 - Is the female gender portrayed poorly in games?
- 55:10 - Do you, Elaine, find it difficult to be a female gamer?
- 62:05 - Is being a female gamer difficult outside of the virtual world?
- 67:10 - Mail In Quest: What are good mail in questions for the QQ cast?
- 70:00 - What's it like being a mother gamer?
- 75:35 - Hot seat and wrap up!