Ruly is looking forward to horror movies...Zach is looking forward to 77 games, or maybe just one 77 game...and Tom is looking forward to nothing, NOTHING I TELLS YA! Did we mention that we won't be discussing politics? NOTHING! And Denis Villeneuve's Dune.
Quest 116 - What were Nintendo Power's top games of all time?
First Spoiler: There is no Banjo Kazooie on this list. Second Spoiler: Donkey Kong Country is not even in the top 200. Third and Final Spoiler: It's Rare to forget about these classics!
Quest 115 - What were the top video games of the 2010s?
We bring in the new decade with lists of top lists of video games lists! Who are aggregating these lists? Top men. Minus Zach.
Quest 114 - What is the best vs the most influential? Part 2: Movies
Matrix good. Die Hard good. Evil Dead good. Avatar bad. Any questions?
How influential was Evil Dead?
Is Die Hard really the best Christmas movie?
Why, oh why, didn’t you take the blue pill?
Quest 113 - What is the best vs the most influential? Part 1: Video Games
We finally come up with a good topic, and the fumble through it like amatures! Did you know that Super Mario Bros was influential? Did you know that this episode ends on a cliffhanger? Spoilers!
Was that one of the greatest mic checks of all time?
Are 2D Mario and 3D Mario different genres?
What the Half-Life franchise more influential than any one game?
Did the fetch question make Final Fantasy the most influential JRPG?
Quest 112 - What do we think of Star Trek in 2019?
We watch trailers about Picard going to the disco...IN THE FUTURE! Jonathan Frakes can come too. And Jerry Ryan. But not Alex Kurtzman.
Have you watched the new Picard Trailer?
Jonathan Frakes, awesome or most awesome ever?
Mini QQ Review: Star Trek Discovery, Season 3