Quest 104 - Are you looking forward to Dark Crystal?

Wait, wait...there is going to be an The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactic game? And we didn't talk about it in this episode? Because it was announced after we recorded? DAMN YOU, LINEAR TIME!



  • Have you watched The Dark Crystal?

  • Are you going to buy a PS4 to play Death Stranding?

  • Did you go see John Wick 3 in theaters?

  • Will you ever be excited for another Terminator movie?


Quest 102 - Do you welcome our new Disney overloads?

Disney streaming premiers with "House of Mouse IX: Rise of a Totalitarian Regime" ...and I, for one, welcome our new varment overlords!



  • Who is your NEW favorite Disney Princess?

  • Are you going to pay for Disney Streaming?

  • Will more streaming services discourage you from watching them?

  • Are we going to need a streaming service portal portal?


Quest 99 - Is there dogmatism in software?

The short answer, is yes. The long answer, is also yes. I am shocked, shocked I tell you! ...okay, not that shocked.



  • How many vape batteries does it take to power your car?

  • Do you need Nginx in front of your node service?

  • Without data, is it just a rumor?

  • Is perfect the enemy of good?

  • Can you balance generalization and specialization?
