Quest 14-2 - A Mic Check Reborn, or what is going on with SquareEnix?

Quest 14-2: "A Mic Check Reborn" tackles recent headlines related to the hosts' once beloved SquareEnix. Where have we been for the past month? Why is this 14-2? Listen to find out!


  • 00:00 - Mic Check & Introductions
  • 04:15 - What has Tom been up to, or should you buy Pokemon or Lego Marvel?
  • 11:00 - What has Jordan been up to, or is the new Apple line up any good?
  • 14:25 - How do you turn D&D into a great card game?
  • 22:30 - Why doesn’t Eidos like SquareEnix?
  • 26:40 - Is Dragon Quest on iOS foreshadowing a new business model?
  • 36:15 - In soviet Japan, does SquareEnix crowdfund you?
  • 42:00 - Are SquareEnix mobile game prices defensible?
  • 50:15 - Do we actually want a Final Fantasy VI remake?
  • 55:00 - Why is the Final Fantasy VII port so far away?
  • 57:55 - Is Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn successful?
  • 62:40 - Wrap up!


Quest 13 - Is being a gamer different if you're female?

Special Guest: Elaine Fisher!

Quest 13 Steams through some of the challenges facing female gamers (see what I did there?). Also, Valve announced stuff; but alas, it wasn't Half-Life 3.


  • 00:00 - Introductions
  • 02:00 - What's Elaine up to, or what is on Google's homepage?
  • 06:00 - What's Jordan up to, or can you buy XIV in XIV clicks?
  • 09:55 - What's Tom up to, or how Legendary is Hearthstone?
  • 15:00 - Is Steam OS relevant to the casual gamer?
  • 26:55 - Are Steam Machines the next Ouya, or is Valve the next Nintendo?
  • 34:10 - What do you think of the Steam Controller?
  • 42:15 - What is it like being a girl gamer?
  • 49:25 - Is the female gender portrayed poorly in games?
  • 55:10 - Do you, Elaine, find it difficult to be a female gamer?
  • 62:05 - Is being a female gamer difficult outside of the virtual world?
  • 67:10 - Mail In Quest: What are good mail in questions for the QQ cast?
  • 70:00 - What's it like being a mother gamer?
  • 75:35 - Hot seat and wrap up!


Quest 12 - What do Disney Princesses and Star Wars have in common?

Special Guest: Lynn DeVries!

Quest 12 takes us to the worlds of Disney, Star Wars, and Tom's rapping career.


  • 00:00 - Introductions
  • 02:50 - What is Jordan up to, or how high definition is Kingdom Hearts?
  • 06:55 - What is Tom up to, or does Mario Party 2 destroyed friendships?
  • 09:50 - What is Lynn up to, or how thrilling is Captain Laserbeam?
  • 15:35 - Why can't Disney characters leave their worlds?
  • 19:40 - What do you think about JJ Abrams doing Star Wars?
  • 26:30 - Are the main characters smothering the Star Wars universe?
  • 30:40 - What do you think of the updated Star Wars movies?
  • 38:00 - What is your favorite Star Wars game?
  • 40:25 - What were the Star Wars MMORPGs?
  • 55:55 - Films aside, is there anything Star Wars related to look forward to?
  • 60:30 - Why is being a Star Wars fan both a blessing and a curse?
  • 63:15 - Hot seat and wrap up!
  • 70:00 - Bonus Song: Fett's Vette


Quest 11 - What comic book things can we talk about?

Special Guest: Adam Schrader!

Quest 11 delves into the world of comic books and their related media. We also tackle another question about programming!


  • 00:00 - Introductions
  • 03:50 - Who is the best batman?
  • 06:00 - What is Jordan up to, or who wrote saga?
  • 09:00 - What is Adam up to, or Candy Crush? ...really?
  • 12:30 - What is Tom up to, or why is Audible so ruthless?
  • 14:55 - What is your favorite comic series?
  • 31:25 - What are some "revolutionary" comics?
  • 38:25 - Who do we have to thank for modern mainstream comic success?
  • 42:55 - What is your favorite Shamalan movie?
  • 47:10 - What are the best comic publishers?
  • 52:40 - Mail In Quest: What are some signs that you are a good programmer?
  • 65:30 - Hot seat and wrap up!


Quest 10 - What would make a good restaurant?

Quest 10 introduces live sound effects, an unsustainable restaurant idea, and our first question from Dear Listener about learning new programming languages!


  • 00:00 - Introductions
  • 03:45 - What is the QQ Cast recording with?
  • 15:20 - What was best (non-steam) video game deal you ever got?
  • 18:55 - What is Tom up to, or they made a game about balls dropping?
  • 27:15 - What is Jordan up to, or did Into Darkness hold up?
  • 33:00 - What do you think of Blizzard's new game, Hearthstone?
  • 37:15 - How is Saints Row IV, and is it challenging enough?
  • 40:15 - Meet the new Space Hulk, same as the old Space Hulk?
  • 45:50 - Would you like a tavern to play games in?
  • 53:15 - What is a good pitch for a gamer bar and grill?
  • 60:55 - Mail In Quest: What is the best way to learn something fast?
  • 77:25 - Wrap up!
  • 79:00 - Bonus Question: What was wrong with XCOM, can the expansion fix it?


Quest 9 - What do Vegas, Arcades, and Microtransactions have in common?

Special Guest: Matthew Cunningham!

Quest 9 crosses the generational gap, pits traditional/free-to-play/microtransaction based gaming against each other, contains non-expert beer tasting, game reviews using QQ Scores, and even a dash of D&D Next!


  • 00:00 - Introductions
  • 03:30 - What is Chewie playing, or who ya gonna call?
  • 07:05 - What is Tom playing, or how do you start a good RPG?
  • 11:05 - What is Jordan playing, or how fast is faster than light?
  • 25:05 - What makes a game cross the generational gap?
  • 39:40 - Are arcade games still relavent, and still fun?
  • 49:50 - Good vs Evil: Vegas, arcades, and...micro transactions?
  • 61:30 - What are the best hidden gems in Vegas?
  • 70:20 - What RPG series need a sequel to bring it back to its roots?
  • 78:15 - Hot seat and wrap up!
  • 95:20 - Bonus Question: What's next in D&D Next?
